Battle of Sheriffmuir

"Come Ye Here the Fight Tae Shun"

On 13 November 1715, there took place at Sheriffmuir a battle that determined the course of the next three hundred years of Scottish History. The battle was fought a bare eight years after the Act of Union of Scotland and England. It was a hard-fought fight that represented the bitterness and anger of its time. It left a legacy of "What Ifs" that remain to this day.

Location of Sheriffmuir battlefield on a map of Scotland.

Date: 13 November 1715

Location: Sheriffmuir, Scotland

Outcome: A tactical draw but a strategic victory.

British Government forces
Commander: John Campbell, 2nd Duke of Argyll

Strength: 3,500

Jacobite forces
Commander: John Erskine, 6th Earl of Mar

Strength: 9,500

The Jacobites had a well-conceived plan; their cause had more popular support in Scotland than at any time in earlier or later Jacobite risings; their potential was seriously underestimated in Edinburgh and London and in their Highland soldiers they had some of the greatest "most effective shock" soldiers in Europe. Yet for all their advantages, they never came so close as did "Bonnie Prince Charlie" in his desperate adventure thirty years later. Could there have been a different outcome? Take a tour with Broadsword and Musket Battlefield Tours and immerse yourself in this truly fascinating and defining battle of the Jacobite 1715 rising. Consider the context and learn about the commanders, the soldiers, weapons and tactics and hear the personal stories of some who took part. Have fun considering some of the "What Ifs" yourselves and ask yourself if your decisions would have been different and could perhaps have changed the course of of Scottish history.

  • Was the original plan sound and were there other options?

  • What impact did the characters of the opposing Commanders have on the outcome?

  • Were there missed opportunities during the battle?

  • What could have happened if the Earl of Mar had inspired his reformed Right Flank to deliver a further Highland Charge late on the afternoon of the battle, when he had the advantage over the Duke of Argyle?

  • What if the Earl of Mar had chosen to “own the field” instead of retreating to Perth?

Tour this accessible battlefield, immerse yourself in its story, consider what decisions you may have made and consider how these may have played out. Our Sheriffmuir battlefield tour is informative and fun and we aim to make your day memorable and enjoyable.

The Sheriffmuir Battlefield tour with Broadsword and Musket:

We begin your tour with a scene-setter that puts the battle into historical context and introduces the commanders and their respective strategies and tactical plans. This will either take place at your hotel or at a local coffee shop dependant on your circumstances.

Then we head for the battlefield. Our tour is based on five view points. Movement between view points is by vehicle and on foot. Walking distances are short and we will follow well defined paths and tracks. Throughout the tour, there will be plenty of opportunities to take photographs, ask questions, discuss your ideas and enjoy the vivid and beautiful Stirlingshire countryside.


View Point 1. The Jacobites assemble, deploy for battle, reconsider their options and then make their initial movements.

View Point 2. The Government Army assembles, deploys for battle and reacts to the Jacobites' perceived initial movements.

View Point 3. The Highland Charge. Devastating Jacobite attack on the Government Left Flank.

View Point 4. The Government advance. Government attack that routs the Jacobite Left Flank.

View Point 5. A deadly dance and a dramatic face off. The Big “What If”. Could the history of Scotland have been changed in an hour?

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