The Battlefields

Battles of Killiecrankie and Dunkeld: Two very Scottish battles with two very different outcomes that determined the outcome of the 1689 Highland War between the Government of William II and Mary and the forces of the exiled James II and VII – Killiecrankie 27 July and Dunkeld 21 August 1689.

Battle of Sheriffmuir: The crucible of the great Jacobite rising of 1715 – 13 November 1715.

Battle of Glenshiel: Little known but well preserved battle site that saw the single decisive major engagement of the 1719 rising – 10 June 1719.

Battle of Prestonpans (Gladsmuir): A shocking Jacobite victory that announced the 1745 rising under Prince Charles Edward Stuart – 21 September 1745.

Battle of Culloden: Military end of the Jacobite 45 rising – 16 April 1746.

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